Friday, January 20, 2012

Red Tails Movie Review

Red Tails is probably my underrated film of 2012?

Red Tails stars Cuba Gooding Jr.,Terrence Howard,and plenty of other people.

Red Tails is basicly about these African-American men who are pilots and they just go out and fight in dogfights during World War II.Yes a very simple plot,but has a great story to it aswell,but it tries to go for the emotional side which try's to make you cry but nope didn't work on me haha.

Red Tails was a film i was looking forward to one because George Lucas was involved in this film who is now retired :( but another reason was the special effects for the Dogfights in the sky which was a big letdown for me.

Red Tails stars Cuba Gooding Jr. in his first theatrical film since like 5 years ago i believe and he has a really good performance also Terrence Howard both were really good Bryan Cranston who doesn't have lots of screentime has some good lines and a great performance.Some of the African-American fighters whom i could name are Nate Parker as Martin "Easy" Julian who pulled off such a fantastic performance in my opinion but not oscar worthy lol,David Oyelowo as Joe "Lightning" Little who is basicly the troublemaker who  doesn't like to follow orders but he gets lucky,and Ne-Yo as Andrew "Smoky" Salem who has the very funny accent but still a good character with a solid performance.

Now the Dialogue was really...really....Corny i mean it has some lines that i felt like laughing i mean Ne-Yo the singer has a very funny accent in this film and i was like "what is he saying"? that was a major problem the whole corny dialogue.

Now the pretty bad part was the special effects and CGI i mean the film.....the entire film looks insanely cartoonish i mean it looks very animated in parts and i was like "They could've done better than that".The whole aircrafts or clouds look so fake,that i was questioning whether i was seeing a animated movie.But still i think the filmmakers tried their best and it was still stunning to look at.And the action in this film is non-stop there is lots of explosions,guns firing,and Dogfights!

Another thing that hit me was the film did get slow at parts but like in any other film it picks itself back up and moves onto the good stuff.

Overall this is a film that has lots of flaws but i still enjoyed it for what it was so that's why i'm giving Red Tails a 3.0/5.

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